Lois is listed in Wikipedia. Follow the links to more interesting reading.

In this shot you can see the screen for the film in Carey Lovelace's Crotchets and Contrivances performed by Stuart Fox, guitar and James Hildebradt, percussion - but there are no pictures of them.

Two shots of Songs to Death by Anna Rubin with Joan Collopy, soprano, Erika Duke, cello and Lori Alexander, piano.

(Mandala) by Pauline Oliveros was the final piece on the concert. Here's Pauline's website.
The title drawing was a map of the players' locations. Four percussionists positioned around the bass drum. Four clarinetists positioned towards the four directions and eight glass players, two in each quadrant. Apparently the soprano started on the outside and spiraled in towards the center during the piece. That's how I interpret it now with my very foggy memory. If your memory unit is better please leave a comment. Judging by these pictures everyone wore white.
Anyway, the next picture is of me, "Dave" the clarinetist, at my location on the far side of the white bass drum. White was never my color.

All these Polaroid pictures were taken by Robert Jacobs - find him online here and here.
There will be at least two more posts in the Second Second Story Series Series. The next will include more pictures - polaroid headshots taken by Rob Jacobs and the story of how a few of them have become portraits one of which hangs in my home. And then, on May 30, the final concert - featuring Terry Riley's In C - with its three press reviews.
Click this link to see all the Second Second Story Series series posts.
Click this link to see all posts about the Independent Composers Association.
You can download the entire series program book as a 17 meg. pdf file by clicking this sentence. It has more information about every piece, composer and many of the performers.
Clink any picture to see it get bigger.
Second Story Tags: Independent Composers Association. . . ICA. . . concert series. . . composers association. . . new music. . . Center For Yoga. . . women composers. . . Pauline Oliveros. . . second story
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