However MM's third reader (our man at Oxford) wrote to suggest that there ought to be a Symphony for Chowderhead's Testicles. Leslie extended the suggestion: "It should be bouncy."

So, always sensitive to requests from the readership, while I was in Hawaii I wrote three 30 Second Spots intended to form a larger piece. I entitled them
Three Pieces In The Shape of Chowderhead's Genitalia.
Not a good title. (It refers to this. Another link.)
The three pieces are entitled:
- Left Ball
- Penis
- Right Ball
Meanwhile I've uploaded more of my 3000 Hawaii pictures to Flickr. Click here. They are forming themselves into thematic groups. This group contains pictures of all different varieties of signs and sculptures. For example, here are two sculptures of women:

An explanation of 30 Second Spots Be sure to read my update comment.
Dog Tags: 30 Second Spots. . . David Ocker. . . Chowderhead. . . dog balls. . . Hawaii. . . sculpture
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