Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Docker Award for Corrupt Republicanism

The Golden Globs reminded me that I've been neglecting the Docker Awards, my own blog feature for honoring whomever I want for whatever they did. So far I've only given Dockers to imaginary characters.

But now, here are the candidates for the Most Corrupt Republican Award. The Nominees are . .

(Here's a link to a website which lists the "13 most corrupt members of Congress" - a whopping 15% of them are Democrats)

And the winner of the Docker for most corrupt Republican is ....

Ooh, it's a Tie - the Docker goes to both Jack Abramoff and Randy Cunningham. (The fact that each is now a confessed criminal must have given them an edge in the voting.) The picture is Adolph Hitler in prison for trying to overthrow the government. It does not make me feel much better about sending politicians to jail.


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