What Ross was doing in Santa Monica last Thursday is probably a better story than what I was doing there. Alex Shapiro was sitting in front of me. Barry Gremillion was sitting to my left.
For hairline comparison purposes, here's a similarly obscured picture of me taken by Leslie at the Huntington's fabulous Desert Garden here in Pasadena two days later. John Adams has told me several times that there is no reason to leave Pasadena. He's right, of course. I've wondered if he's just a little jealous.

Here's a lucky shot I took of a hummingbird at the Huntington that day. Can you find the hummingbird? Leslie says it's either a Rufous or an Allen's Hummingbird. The blow up is below.

For more about how I musically avoided Alex Shapiro, click here.
Helix Tags: Alex Ross. . . Alex Shapiro. . . Barry Gremillion. . . hummingbirds. . . Huntington Gardens
Well, Mr. Vodka Cider (for those of you following along without a scorecard, think: anagrams), you can avoid me musically (and quite wonderfully, I might add), but never blogospherically! Heh heh. As wives often are (speaking from personal experience, of course), Leslie is right: Rufous (http://tinyurl.com/2n5p89) and Allen's hummingbirds (http://tinyurl.com/2l8syc) are nearly indistinguishable. Which is just fine for anyone appreciating their beauty who's not a list-making ornithologist! As with music, sometimes over-analysis can take away the sheer awe of the moment.
The hummingbird is a male Allen's (Selasphorus sasin).
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