Been there? Done that? Good. Now read on.
Anne LaBerge, composer, flutist extrordinaire and resident of a non-mountainous part of Europe, is currently touring the U.S. Last Friday she visited the same "Career Design" course at CalArts that I had also visited. I attended her presentation, sitting inconspicuously in the back. Just as I had done the first time, I recorded Vinny's introduction.
Anne will be performing as part of the 8th Annual New Music Festival at Cal State Fullerton from March 18 through 21. (Read about it here as well) She does amazing things with flutes and computers.
On Saturday, as part of that Festival, as I understand, Charles Sharp (who has been featured in Mixed Meters in the post A Tradition of Experiment in Los Angeles) will be presenting a scholarly paper about the Golia LaBerge Ocker trio. I'd really like to know what he says but it's scheduled way too early in the morning for me - 9 A.M.

This picture of Anne and me was taken last Saturday. We were happy to have finished a meal of Mexican food at Dona Rosa's in Pasadena.
About the audio of the video. There are two problems. One is the background music - from my iPod which was accidentally playing. It seems much louder on the recording than in real life. The second is that the little microphone on my pocket point-'n-shoot picks up some voices better than others (Anne's is good except when she's quoting Mel Powell; Vinny's not so good). And certain noises - like chairs being moved or laughter - are viciously loud. So I extracted the audio, normalized the levels as best I could and then re-attached it to the picture. Alas, I couldn't get it back in perfect sync. Please pretend like you don't notice.
1 comment :
Great stuff. That's some pretty good career advice about bike riding, broken collarbones and the oboe too, and all set to music
Kidding aside I would have liked to have been there.
The paper is starting to take shape and should be interesting. I have lots to say, but very little time to say it in. Which reminds me, I listened to your piece from a few weeks ago (Slave to Time is Money) and had a lot say about how much my time is worth, but I just haven't had the time to type it up. How's that for ironic?
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