One day last week, trapped by the prospect of solving my computer-related technology problems by engaging in a "live chat session" (a horrendously imperfect form of communication the speed of which is dictated by the slowest typist involved) I decided to write a new 30 Second Spot, another horrendously imperfect form of communication.

It's only a minute long. It's for a solo piano with one bad string. Part of the ending was inspired by the Stravinsky Octet. Listen to Live Chat now. Listening to it is the easiest way for you to waste the next minute; I know you've got nothing better to do because if you did you'd be doing that rather than reading my blog.
Copyright (c) 2008 David Ocker
Live Tags: David Ocker. . . 30 Second Spots. . . Live Chat
'm dumb. can't find the link to the piece
There should be a little embedded flash player just above where it says "Copyright (c) 2008 David Ocker" - and all you should have to do is click the play button. Do you have flash enabled? The player is provided by a website called MOG.
If the player isn't appearing for you hear at Mixed Meters, you could go to MOG itself. The easy to remember link to that post is:
Good luck.
thanks David. flash problem. but the link worked and it was well worth the wait. always a joy, your music. With quality like that i would have assumed you wrote that at Pete's coffee.
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