Yes, these are all me! My face done up as typical yearbook photos according to the fashion of such things starting in 1950 and ending in 2000. A couple of them look a lot better than I ever did.
Go to www.yearbookyourself.com armed with your own picture and work this trick on yourself.
For comparison, here's my 1972 yearbookyourself shot cheek by jowl with my actual 1969 high school year book photo.

Here's the source photo for my eyes, nose, mouth and sometimes chin - taken about a year ago.

Thanks to Paul Bailey for indirectly suggesting this particular waste of time. He twitters.
ADDENDUM - Sept. 10, 2008
I was a bit taken aback by this school sign near me. But it's correct - there are six grades in one school - and the students entering now will graduate high school in 2015. What will they be wearing? What will their hair look like?

Yearbook Tags: yearbook photo. . . yearbookyourself
i'm not sure which i like best, 88 or 98.
2000! You look pleasantly supra-inane! :)
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