These were all taken in 1978. In order of appearance are:
- Robert Jacobs
- Lois Vierk
- Scott Fraser
- Susan D. Palmer
- Richard Amromin
- David Ocker

Rob entitled my portrait "Blood, Sweat and Tones". Behind my hair-covered face there is musical notation while blood and sweat stream down from above over the picture and the frame itself. (The sweat is clear and hard to see; click it for a slightly better view.)
This picture hangs in our home. A young son of a friend saw it and asked "Why do you have a picture of a terrorist?" Why, indeed.
Here are more recent pictures of Richard, myself and Robert.

Back in the days of ICA we called Robert Jacobs "Bob". Now, for some reason, he's known as "Rob". I still think of him as "Bob".
Back in those days he made his living as a photo retoucher. This was before Photoshop of course. His work was done with razor blades, sheets of plastic, paint and an airbrush which I thought was very cool.
Here is an advertising poster for his business. It's entitled "Unwanted Hair Removed". Like the Second Second Story Series poster at the beginning of this series, this was designed by Rob's brother, Ray. I've saved it all these years because I thought it was hysterical.

Click on it for an enlargement. At the bottom of the picture it says:
Robert Jacobs retouches dye transfers and Type "C" prints. Also, black and white. His new studio is located at 7000 Beverly Boulevard. Telephone (213) 931-3751.The credits are: Photography: Steve Berman, Model: Candy Brown, Design: Jacobs & Gerber, Partners, Lithography: Porter & Griffin.
These days Robert Jacobs no longer does photo retouching. But he uses those talents as a fine artist. His recent work can be found at Rob Jacobs Art and Angels of Protection.
These days anyone with Photoshop can do photo retouching. Here's my original, un-retouched, photo of Rob in 2008. I was the person who retouched the picture above - but Rob gave me some good pointers. I'd really like to thank him profusely for providing all the pictures of those concerts so long ago.

Retouched Tags: Independent Composers Association. . . ICA. . . concert series. . . composers association. . . new music. . . Robert Jacobs. . . Richard Amromin. . . David Ocker. . . concert advertising. . . poster. . . second story
"These days anyone with Photoshop can do photo retouching"
Allow me to paraphrase that...
These days anyone with Photoshop thinks they can do photo retouching.
Anyone with Photoshop has to learn Photoshop. An endless pit of possibilities. I know Richard from Trail Markers One in the Arroyo.
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