Ivy contemplates what a nice set of whiskers she has.

This is Crackle, contemplating whether my camera is good to eat.

This is Spackle, contemplating whether she might be able to catch the birds outside.

This is McTee - the scrawny outdoor cat - contemplating being fed. Our backyard has become a very popular place for many neighborhood cats, all contemplating being feed. Also possums and skunks.

Now for a piece of music I wrote last month. The title was inspired by human emotions. Just try to tell me you've never had a pissy mood. But since this post is about cats, In a Pissy Mood is dedicated to our long-suffering upholstered furniture which lives underneath large sheets of plastic. We suspect Ivy of being responsible.
click here to hear In A Pissy Mood
Copyright (c) 2007 by David Ocker - 282 seconds
Listening tip: try to identify the Theme of Repeated Minor Annoyance.
Explanation of 30 second spots (check for an update to this in the comments)
Previous Mixed Meters Pictures of Our Cats - here or here or here or here
Pissy Cat Tags: cats. . . OJ. . . Ivy. . . Crackle. . . Spackle. . . Garfield. . . David Ocker. . . Mixed Meters. . . 3 Minute Climax
The Garfield sculpture is a headboard for a bed. Here's part of a bed spring that appeared at the same spot a few days earlier.

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